Monday 2024-05-06 Assorted Links
Assorted Links links
Published: 2024-05-06
Monday 2024-05-06 Assorted Links

Assorted links for Monday, May 6:

  1. It’s About Time!: Some discussions about the use of time in system designs.
  2. BPFAgent: eBPF for Monitoring at DoorDash
  3. Best practices to prevent alert fatigue
  4. Streamlining and Implementing Incident Management at Dyninno
  5. What is Platform Engineering? by Gartner
  6. Inside the gamedays: how we tested Signals for reliability
  7. The Making of VES: the Cosmos Microservice for Netflix Video Encoding
  8. Researchers make a plastic that includes bacteria that can digest it
  9. Review of the Summer 2023 Microsoft Exchange Online Intrusion by the Cyber Safety Review Board
  10. How G.M. Tricked Millions of Drivers Into Being Spied On (Including Me)