Assorted Links

Friday 2024-04-26 Assorted Links
Assorted Links links
Published: 2024-04-26
Friday 2024-04-26 Assorted Links

Assorted links for Friday, April 26:

  1. Apache DataSketches: A software library of stochastic streaming algorithms
  2. Sysdig 2022 Cloud-Native Security and Usage Report: Stay on Top of Risks as You Scale
  3. validkube: Validkube combines the best open-source tools to help ensure Kubernetes YAML best practices, hygiene & security
  4. Best Practices for Running Stateful Applications on Kubernetes
  5. The Twelve-Factor App
  6. Multi-Runtime Microservices Architecture
  7. What Comes after Microservices? Multi-Runtime Microservices with Bilgin Ibryam at QCon London
  8. Microservices guru warns devs that trendy architecture shouldn’t be the default for every app, but ‘a last resort’
  9. Istio as an Example of When Not to Do Microservices
  10. Zhamak Dehghani on Data Mesh, Domain-Oriented Data, and Building Data Platforms
Thursday 2024-04-25 Assorted Links
Assorted Links links
Published: 2024-04-25
Thursday 2024-04-25 Assorted Links

Assorted links for Thursday, April 25:

  1. Onboarding SLOs for Salesforce services
  2. Curiefense: An application security platform
  3. It’s always DNS… except when it’s not: A deep dive through gRPC, Kubernetes, and AWS networking
  4. Set up a Terraform Pipeline with GitHub Actions and GitHub OIDC for AWS
  5. Improving software supply chain security with tamper-proof builds
  6. How Netflix Content Engineering makes a federated graph searchable
  7. The complete guide to protecting your APIs with OAuth2 (part 1)
  8. How to Use Docker to Containerize Java Web Applications: Tutorial for Beginners
  9. Detecting silent errors in the wild: Combining two novel approaches to quickly detect silent data corruptions at scale
  10. Awesome C: A curated list of C good stuff
Wednesday 2024-04-24 Assorted Links
Assorted Links links
Published: 2024-04-24
Wednesday 2024-04-24 Assorted Links

Assorted links for Wednesday, April 24:

  1. Pharos: The Observability Platform at Workday
  2. How We Halved Go Monorepo CI Build Time
  3. DevOps and Cloud InfoQ Trends Report – June 2022
  4. SLSA: Securing the Software Supply Chain
  5. AWS Security Maturity Model
  6. Uncurled – everything I know and learned about running and maintaining Open Source projects for three decades.
  7. .bazelrc flags you should enable
  8. OpenFeature: Standardizing Feature Flagging for Everyone
  9. Building a Platform for Serving Recommendations at Etsy
  10. Observability 4 JVM Frameworks with Grafana in Java and Kotlin
Tuesday 2024-04-23 Assorted Links
Assorted Links links
Published: 2024-04-23
Tuesday 2024-04-23 Assorted Links

Assorted links for Tuesday, April 23:

  1. Cost Optimisation In The Cloud – Practical Design Steps For Architects and Developers – Part 1
  2. Cost Optimisation In The Cloud – Practical Design Steps For Architects and Developers – Part 2
  3. Optimizing TCP for high WAN throughput while preserving low latency
  4. Slowing Down to Speed Up – Circuit Breakers for Slack’s CI/CD
  5. Delivery Lead Time In Practice
  6. HashiCorp 2023 State of Cloud Strategy Survey: Cloud maturity drives operational efficiency
  7. Application architecture: A quick guide for startups
  8. Locking Engineering Hierarchy
  9. Locking Engineering Principles
  10. A Look at AzOps for Azure Infrastructure Management
Monday 2024-04-22 Assorted Links
Assorted Links links
Published: 2024-04-22
Monday 2024-04-22 Assorted Links

Assorted links for Monday, April 22:

  1. Improving Meta’s SLO workflows with data annotations
  2. Patterns of Distributed Systems: Request Batch
  3. Patterns of Distributed Systems: Fixed Partitions
  4. Patterns of Distributed Systems: Emergent Leader
  5. Patterns of Distributed Systems: Clock-Bound Wait
  6. Faster ML Experimentation at Etsy with Interleaving
  7. Towards Machine Learning Observability at Etsy
  8. Announcing built-in container support for the .NET SDK
  9. A primer on Roaring bitmaps: what they are and how they work
  10. A Developer’s Guide to Terraform
Friday 2024-04-19 Assorted Links
Assorted Links links
Published: 2024-04-19
Friday 2024-04-19 Assorted Links

Assorted links for Friday, April 19:

  1. APIs as infrastructure: future-proofing Stripe with versioning
  2. Versioning releases from a monorepo
  3. Securing the Supply Chain of Nothing
  4. Does the GitOps Emperor Have No Clothes?
  5. Ninja Van’s monitoring stack
  6. Continuous Load Testing: Building a culture of performance with Koi Pond
  7. Open Source Software (OSS) Secure Supply Chain (SSC) Framework Simplified Requirements
  8. Git’s database internals I: packed object store
  9. Scaling Git’s garbage collection
  10. Viewing the world as a computer: Global capacity management
Thursday 2024-04-18 Assorted Links
Assorted Links links
Published: 2024-04-18
Thursday 2024-04-18 Assorted Links

Assorted links for Thursday, April 18:

  1. How to Roll Your Kafka Cluster With Zero Downtime and No Data Loss
  2. Risk Assessments for AWS Access are Not Just for Large Companies
  3. How DoorDash Governs Its Infrastructure with Open Policy Agent
  4. State of AWS Security: A Look Into Real-World AWS Environments
  5. The Future of Ops Is Platform Engineering
  6. Announcing the 2022 Accelerate State of DevOps Report: A deep dive into security
  7. What’s Inside Of a Distroless Container Image: Taking a Deeper Look
  8. The Art of Logging: Creating a human- and machine-friendly logging format
  9. How to select technology for Data Mesh
  10. Enabling static analysis of SQL queries at Meta
Wednesday 2024-04-17 Assorted Links
Assorted Links links
Published: 2024-04-17
Wednesday 2024-04-17 Assorted Links

Assorted links for Wednesday, April 17:

  1. Introducing Wolfi: The first Linux (un)distro designed for securing the software supply chain
  2. The Top 5 kubectl Plugins by GitHub Stars
  3. Why and How eBay Pivoted to OpenTelemetry
  4. Boosting Kubernetes container runtime observability with OpenTelemetry
  5. Common mistakes in DevOps metrics
  6. Container Tools, Tips, and Tricks - Issue #2
  7. Introducing Finch: An Open Source Client for Container Development
  8. Seeing through hardware counters: a journey to threefold performance increase
  9. The Evolution of DevOps
  10. The Importance of Just-in-Time Access for Least Privilege in the Cloud
Tuesday 2024-04-16 Assorted Links
Assorted Links links
Published: 2024-04-16
Tuesday 2024-04-16 Assorted Links

Assorted links for Tuesday, April 16:

  1. Shared Responsibility Model
  2. Estimating the effort to build a Bazel CI/CD
  3. The Secret Sauce of Tik-Tok’s Recommendations
  4. Tulip: Modernizing Meta’s data platform
  5. How the GitHub Docs team uses GitHub Projects
  6. io_uring and networking in 2023
  7. The technology behind GitHub’s new code search
  8. Fast and Furious: Doubling Down on SBOM Drift
  9. How DoorDash Upgraded a Heuristic with ML to Save Thousands of Canceled Orders
  10. How to Increase Deployment Observability and Simplify Deployment Pipelines
Monday 2024-04-15 Assorted Links
Assorted Links links
Published: 2024-04-15
Monday 2024-04-15 Assorted Links

Assorted links for Monday, April 15:

  1. cURL audit: How a joke led to significant findings
  2. Incident travel time: The real investment is how fast you get there
  3. Introducing Hermes, An Open Source Document Management System
  4. Unreadable Metrics: Why You Can’t Find Anything in Your Monitoring Dashboards: A Guide to Effective Dashboard Design for DevOps and SRE
  5. A Complete Guide to Google’s Core Web Vitals and How to Optimize Them
  6. What Are Structured Logs and How Do They Improve Performance?
  7. The life of a DNS query in Kubernetes
  8. Building a Staging Environment for Data Teams
  9. Getting Started With Java Development in 2023 — An Opinionated Guide
  10. Fairness in multi-tenant systems
Friday 2024-04-12 Assorted Links
Assorted Links links
Published: 2024-04-12
Friday 2024-04-12 Assorted Links

Assorted links for Friday, April 12:

  1. Software Supply Chain Attestation the Easy Way
  2. How Many Is Too Much? Exploring Costs of Coordination During Outages
  3. How We Keep Our Government Apps Running With High Reliability: A Peek at Our Incident Management Strategy
  4. Infrastructure as Code is Not the Answer!
  5. 20 Terraform Best Practices to Improve your TF workflow
  6. SBoMs with Dracon, cheaper, faster, more accurate, better
  7. The State of Secrets Sprawl 2023
  8. The COGS Problem
  9. Presets for bazelrc
  10. The Biggest Cloud Native Strategy Mistake
Thursday 2024-04-11 Assorted Links
Assorted Links links
Published: 2024-04-11
Thursday 2024-04-11 Assorted Links

Assorted links for Thursday, April 11:

  1. GNU Stow 2.4.0 released – I use stow whenever I’m installing custom-compiled software.
  2. Security Vulnerability of HTML Emails

    The email your manager received and forwarded to you was something completely innocent, such as a potential customer asking a few questions. All that email was supposed to achieve was being forwarded to you. However, the moment the email appeared in your inbox, it changed. The innocent pretext disappeared and the real phishing email became visible. A phishing email you had to trust because you knew the sender and they even confirmed that they had forwarded it to you.

  3. Improved Alerting with Atlas Streaming Eval
  4. Why choose sum types over exceptions?
  5. Refresh vs. Long-lived Access Tokens
  6. Why you should use io_uring for network I/O
  7. Clocks and Causality - Ordering Events in Distributed Systems
  8. Twitter’s Recommendation Algorithm
  9. Introducing self-service SBOMs
  10. Practical tips for rightsizing your Kubernetes workloads
Wednesday 2024-04-10 Assorted Links
Assorted Links links
Published: 2024-04-10
Wednesday 2024-04-10 Assorted Links

Assorted links for Wednesday, April 10:

  1. Windows debugger trick: Breaking when a specific debugger message is printed
  2. Security research without ever leaving GitHub: From code scanning to CVE via Codespaces and private vulnerability reporting
  3. Developers with AI assistants need to follow the pair programming model
  4. How Copilot is being used by the Time Travel Debugging team for repetitive C++ coding
  5. Anatomy of a credit card rewards program
  6. How do mixture-of-experts layers affect transformer models?
  7. What is retrieval-augmented generation, and what does it do for generative AI?
  8. Timeline of the xz open source attack
  9. Bullying in Open Source Software Is a Massive Security Vulnerability
  10. Reverse Searching Netflix’s Federated Graph
Tuesday 2024-04-09 Assorted Links
Assorted Links links
Published: 2024-04-09
Tuesday 2024-04-09 Assorted Links

Assorted links for Tuesday, April 9:

  1. OpenBSD system-call pinning
  2. The Rise and Fall of Silicon Graphics
  3. Fine-grained RBAC for GitHub Action workflows With GitHub OIDC and HashiCorp Vault
  4. Using the Platform Engineering Maturity Model to Understand the Commitment Required for an Internal Developer Platform
  5. Best practices for monitoring software testing in CI/CD
  6. File Monitoring with eBPF and Tetragon (Part 1)
  7. Documentation as code: Principles, workflow, and challenges
  8. The lifecycle of a code AI completion
  9. What we know about the xz Utils backdoor that almost infected the world
  10. Bringing enterprise-level security and even more power to GitHub-hosted runners
Monday 2024-04-08 Assorted Links
Assorted Links links
Published: 2024-04-08
Monday 2024-04-08 Assorted Links

Assorted links for Monday, April 8:

  1. GNU Coreutils 9.5 Can Yield 10~20% Throughput Boost For cp, mv & cat Commands: The speed increase is by increasing the default block size from 128KiB to 256KiB. Anyone still working in 4KiB or 64KiB blocks? Time to increase!
  2. Biden orders every US agency to appoint a chief AI officer

    As chief AI officers, appointees will serve as senior advisers on AI initiatives, monitoring and inventorying all agency uses of AI. They must conduct risk assessments to consider whether any AI uses are impacting “safety, security, civil rights, civil liberties, privacy, democratic values, human rights, equal opportunities, worker well-being, access to critical resources and services, agency trust and credibility, and market competition,” OMB said.

  3. Oregon Just Passed a Monumental ‘Right to Repair’ Law

    [W]hat sets this Oregon law apart from the other three states is that is bans “parts pairing,” a term that describes when companies prevent unauthorized parts from functioning in their devices.

  4. Bing on .NET 8: The Impact of Dynamic PGO: .NET continues to deliver significant performance improvements release after release, with near-perfect backwards compatibility.
  5. Google says running AI models on phones is a huge RAM hog: Is it possible that the largest barrier to Artificial General Intelligence (AGI) will be the amount of computing resources (RAM, GPU, electricity, etc.) necessary to run it?
  6. Why the Department of Justice Cares About Green Bubbles on iPhones
  7. Garbage Collection for Systems Programmers
  8. Making AI powered .NET apps more consistent and intelligent with Redis
  9. Improvements to static analysis in the GCC 14 compiler
  10. Running local tools installed by Bazel
Friday 2024-04-05 Assorted Links
Assorted Links links
Published: 2024-04-05
Friday 2024-04-05 Assorted Links

Assorted links for Friday, April 5:

  1. Scaling up the Prime Video audio/video monitoring service and reducing costs by 90% – a case study of moving from distributed microservices back to a monolith application
  2. Shaping live sports publishing traffic through a distributed scheduling system
  3. Debugging a FUSE deadlock in the Linux kernel
  4. Enum Class Bitmasks
  5. Bazel in CI (Part 1): Commit Under Test
  6. Bazel in CI (Part 2): Worker Setup
  7. Bazel Caching Explained (pt. 3): Repository Cache
  8. Fast builds, secure builds. Choose two. – How Stripe uses Bazel for build and test pipelines.
  9. Bazel roadmap
  10. Introducing rules_oci – A replacement for rules_docker which builds container images.
Thursday 2024-04-04 Assorted Links
Assorted Links links
Published: 2024-04-04
Thursday 2024-04-04 Assorted Links

Assorted links for Thursday, April 4:

  1. Why SQLite is so great for the edge
  2. OpenTelemetry: The Star of KubeCon 2023
  3. Awesome Load Management
  4. Warden: Real Time Anomaly Detection at Pinterest
  5. Packaging Open Policy Agent policies with Nix
  6. OpenSearch vs Solr: Which One Is Better to Use?
  7. 7 Core Elements of an Internal Developer Platform
  8. Native Frame Rate Playback – Netflix Technology Blog
  9. Applying GitOps principles to your operations
  10. Highlights from Git 2.41
Wednesday 2024-04-03 Assorted Links
Assorted Links links
Published: 2024-04-03
Wednesday 2024-04-03 Assorted Links

Assorted links for Wednesday, April 3:

  1. Imaginary Problems Are the Root of Bad Software
  2. DevOps uses a capability model, not a maturity model
  3. Read Every Single Error
  4. Ditch the Template: Incident Write-ups They Want to Read
  5. Load Balancing
  6. 10+ Best Tools & Systems for Monitoring Ubuntu Server Performance (2023 Comparison)
  7. How We Improved Our Monitoring Stack With Only a Few Small Changes
  8. What Every Developer Should Know About AWS Vault
  9. Move over, Dockerfiles! The new way to craft containers
  10. Software Bill of Materials (SBOM)
Tuesday 2024-04-02 Assorted Links
Assorted Links links
Published: 2024-04-02
Tuesday 2024-04-02 Assorted Links

Assorted links for Tuesday, April 2:

  1. How we host Ars Technica in the cloud, part two: The software
  2. Hosting Ars, part three: CI/CD, or how I learned to stop worrying and love DevOps
  3. Scaling the Instagram Explore recommendations system
  4. How Meta is improving password security and preserving privacy
  5. Fixit 2: Meta’s next-generation auto-fixing linter
  6. Four tips to keep your GitHub Actions workflows secure
  7. How we build containerized services at GitHub using GitHub
  8. Scaling merge-ort across GitHub
  9. Metrics for issues, pull requests, and discussions
  10. A developer’s guide to prompt engineering and LLMs
Monday 2024-04-01 Assorted Links
Assorted Links links
Published: 2024-04-01
Monday 2024-04-01 Assorted Links

Assorted links for Monday, April 1:

  1. Thousands of servers hacked in ongoing attack targeting Ray AI framework: Researchers say it’s the first known in-the-wild attack targeting AI workloads.
  2. An Alerting strategy for the cloud
  3. Parsing Protobuf at 2+GB/s: How I Learned To Love Tail Calls in C
  4. Advances in document understanding
  5. From U2F to passkeys
  6. Protecting Secrets with Docker
  7. Improve Docker Compose Modularity with include
  8. Container Security and Why It Matters
  9. vcpkg integration with the GitHub dependency graph
  10. Introducing Immortal Objects for Python
Friday 2024-03-29 Assorted Links
Assorted Links links
Published: 2024-03-29
Friday 2024-03-29 Assorted Links

Assorted links for Friday, March 29:

  1. Use ‘Jan’ to Chat With AI Without the Privacy Concerns
  2. Uncovering the Seams in Mainframes for Incremental Modernisation: A Case Study of Legacy Displacement
  3. Bringing HDR photo support to Instagram and Threads
  4. Is Your Container Image Really Distroless?
  5. containerd vs. Docker: Understanding Their Relationship and How They Work Together
  6. Some choices for encrypting data so that it can be decrypted only by the same user or computer
  7. How to Start a ‘Backdoor’ Roth IRA (and When You Should)
  8. Microsoft opens a crack in console gaming’s decades-old walled garden
  9. Intel, Microsoft discuss plans to run Copilot locally on PCs instead of in the cloud
  10. Quantum computing progress: Higher temps, better error correction
Thursday 2024-03-28 Assorted Links
Assorted Links links
Published: 2024-03-28
Thursday 2024-03-28 Assorted Links

Assorted links for Thursday, March 28:

  1. The RedMonk Programming Language Rankings: January 2024
  2. How Figma’s databases team lived to tell the scale
  3. Global products, global monitoring: Terraform Strategies for Seamless Grafana Dashboards Across Regions – this feels like using Terraform as the core of a GitOps strategy, which doesn’t sound like too bad of an idea to me
  4. Licensing AI Engineers
  5. TDD: You’re Probably Doing It Just Fine
  6. Governments Setting Limits on AI: Many countries and regions are considering, or trying to implement, regulations on the training and use of artificial intelligence
  7. Combining Machine Learning and Lifetime-Based Resource Management for Memory Allocation and Beyond
  8. How to use GitHub Copilot in your IDE: Tips, tricks, and best practices
  9. Unpatchable vulnerability in Apple chip leaks secret encryption keys
  10. Use the ‘Hawthorne Effect’ to Increase Your Productivity
Wednesday 2024-03-27 Assorted Links
Assorted Links links
Published: 2024-03-27
Wednesday 2024-03-27 Assorted Links

Assorted links for Wednesday, March 27:

  1. SDL Storage API Merged For SDL 3.0
  2. The Return of the Frame Pointers
  3. Sequential A/B Testing Keeps the World Streaming Netflix Part 2: Counting Processes
  4. Logarithm: A logging engine for AI training workflows and services
  5. AI and the Evolution of Social Media
  6. GoFetch: Breaking Constant-Time Cryptographic Implementations Using Data Memory-Dependent Prefetchers
  7. Found means fixed: Introducing code scanning autofix, powered by GitHub Copilot and CodeQL
  8. UN General Assembly adopts landmark resolution on artificial intelligence – sadly, this is a nonbinding agreement and thus effectively toothless
  9. Linux Crisis Tools – install these Linux tools on your production servers before a crisis hits
  10. The Danger of Unreliable Platforms (with Jade Rubick)
Tuesday 2024-03-26 Assorted Links
Assorted Links links
Published: 2024-03-26
Tuesday 2024-03-26 Assorted Links

Assorted links for Tuesday, March 26:

  1. Building Meta’s GenAI Infrastructure
  2. Inside the gamedays: how we tested Signals for reliability
  3. Octoverse: The state of open source and rise of AI in 2023
  4. Get started with .NET 8 and AI using new quickstart tutorials
  5. Automakers Are Sharing Consumers’ Driving Behavior With Insurance Companies
  6. Generate Local .NET Secrets from Azure Deployments
  7. Preventing production code depending on experiments – Bazel specific
  8. SMB for Linux with SMB3 POSIX extensions (FOSDEM 2024)
  9. FUSE Passthrough Mode Merged For Linux 6.9
  10. CODEOWNERS and Bazel
Monday 2024-03-25 Assorted Links
Assorted Links links
Published: 2024-03-25
Monday 2024-03-25 Assorted Links

Assorted links for Monday, March 25:

  1. Miles Davis and the Recording of a Jazz Masterpiece
  2. Publishing Bazel rules that depend on tools: take 2
  3. Revolutionize Your CI/CD Pipeline: Integrating Testcontainers and Bazel
  4. How the Great Green Wall is Holding Back the Sahara Desert
  5. BuildKit in depth: Docker’s build engine explained
  6. Scaled Agile DevOps Maturity Framework
  7. eBPF Documentary
  8. eBPF Observability Tools Are Not Security Tools
  9. LLVM’s ‘RFC: C++ Buffer Hardening’ at Google
  10. C++ safety, in context
Friday 2024-03-22 Assorted Links
Assorted Links links
Published: 2024-03-22
Friday 2024-03-22 Assorted Links

Assorted links for Friday, March 22:

  1. ComPromptMized: Unleashing Zero-click Worms that Target GenAI-Powered Applications
  2. Evolving from Rule-based Classifier: Machine Learning Powered Auto Remediation in Netflix Data Platform
  3. Chrono Trigger Director Asks What Fans Would Want In A Remake
  4. Keeping repository maintainer information accurate
  5. European crash tester says carmakers must bring back physical controls. When shopping for cars, I insist on physical controls.
Thursday 2024-03-21 Assorted Links
Assorted Links links
Published: 2024-03-21
Thursday 2024-03-21 Assorted Links

Assorted links for Thursday, March 21:

  1. Fetching ML models under Bazel
  2. Hugging Face, the GitHub of AI, hosted code that backdoored user devices
  3. Researchers create AI worms that can spread from one system to another
  4. You Should Set ‘Anti-goals’ Too
  5. Financial systems take a holiday
  6. Building Meta’s GenAI Infrastructure
  7. Measuring Developer Productivity via Humans
  8. eBPF Observability Tools Are Not Security Tools
  9. LLVM’s ‘RFC: C++ Buffer Hardening’ at Google
  10. C++ safety, in context
Wednesday 2024-03-20 Assorted Links
Assorted Links links
Published: 2024-03-20
Wednesday 2024-03-20 Assorted Links

Assorted links for Wednesday, March 20:

  1. Zalando RESTful API and Event Guidelines
  2. Zally: A minimalistic, simple-to-use OpenAPI 2 and 3 linter
  3. Top 10 common Dockerfile linting issues
  4. 2023 State of DevOps Report: Culture is everything
  5. BPFAgent: eBPF for Monitoring at DoorDash
  6. The Case for Memory Safe Roadmaps: Why Both C-Suite Executives and Technical Experts Need to Take Memory Safe Coding Seriously
  7. P2816R0: Safety Profiles: Type-and-resource Safe programming in ISO Standard C++
  8. SafeInt: A portable library that can be used with MSVC, GCC or Clang to help prevent integer overflows that might result when the application performs mathematical operations.
  9. Bluesky’s Stackable Approach to Moderation
  10. HTTP/2 and HTTP/3 explained
Tuesday 2024-03-19 Assorted Links
Assorted Links links
Published: 2024-03-19
Tuesday 2024-03-19 Assorted Links

Assorted links for Tuesday, March 19:

  1. Platform Engineering: Orchestrating Applications, Platforms, and Infrastructure
  2. Recent troubleshooting cases from our SREs, part 5. An unexpected crash due to unrelated software changes
  3. Elevating Microservices Testing and Development using DynamicEnv
  4. Code Review Security Checklist
  5. OpenSSF Malicious Packages – A collection of reports of malicious packages identified in Open Source package repositories, consumable via the Open Source Vulnerability (OSV) format.
  6. 11 Small Search Platforms: Powerful Alternatives to Elasticsearch, OpenSearch, and Solr
  7. Migrating Netflix to GraphQL Safely
  8. Monitoring is a Pain
  9. Classifying Event Driven Architecture
  10. How to Manage Schemas and Handle Standardization
Monday 2024-03-18 Assorted Links
Assorted Links links
Published: 2024-03-18
Monday 2024-03-18 Assorted Links

Assorted links for Monday, March 18:

  1. This Clock Made Power Grids Possible
  2. How we applied advanced fuzzing techniques to cURL
  3. GitHub is enabling secret push protection for all users. This means that, by default, GitHub will detect and help prevent developers from accidentally committing secrets to repositories.
  4. White House: Future Software Should be Memory Safe. The pressure on C/C++ continues to grow.
  5. AI-generated articles prompt Wikipedia to downgrade CNET’s reliability rating. I did not realize that CNET was posting AI-written articles, but I am not shocked.
  6. Solving Cold Start Timeouts with AWS Lambda and API Gateway
  7. Transactions in a Microservice World
  8. Service Delivery Index: A Driver for Reliability
  9. From Blind Spots to Clear Insights: The Evolution of Observability Tools and Practices at Greenlight
  10. Best practices for monitoring static web applications
Friday 2024-03-15 Assorted Links
Assorted Links links
Published: 2024-03-15
Friday 2024-03-15 Assorted Links

Assorted links for Friday, March 15:

  1. Automating data removal
  2. 5 tips for making your GitHub profile page accessible
  3. How to gain insight into your project contributors
  4. Streaming SQL in Data Mesh
  5. Integration testing your container images with Bazel
  6. Zero Configuration Service Mesh with On-Demand Cluster Discovery
  7. Debugging .NET Apps with Time Travel Debugging (TTD)
  8. If P99 Latency Is BS, What’s the Alternative?
  9. Exploring Event-Driven Architecture: A Beginner’s Guide for Cloud Native Developers
  10. A Taste of Policies
Thursday 2024-03-14 Assorted Links
Assorted Links links
Published: 2024-03-14
Thursday 2024-03-14 Assorted Links

Assorted links for Thursday, March 14:

  1. Prometheus and centralized storage: When you need it, how it works, and what Mimir is
  2. Prometheus and its storage: Architecture, challenges, and solutions
  3. ConfigureAwait in .NET 8
  4. The architecture of today’s LLM applications
  5. Automating dead code cleanup
  6. Source Code Management Platform Configuration Best Practices
  7. Visual Studio Code 1.21 Text Buffer Reimplementation
  8. 3 strategies to expand your threat model and secure your supply chain
  9. Memory-Mapped Files and Overlaid Structs
  10. Traffic 101: Packets Mostly Flow
Wednesday 2024-03-13 Assorted Links
Assorted Links links
Published: 2024-03-13
Wednesday 2024-03-13 Assorted Links

Assorted links for Wednesday, March 13:

  1. Q&A: Patrick Debois on the Past, Present and Future of DevOps
  2. Google Zanzibar vs OPA - Graph vs. Code Based Authorization
  3. Infrastructure as Code Will be Written by AI
  4. State of DevOps 2023 Highlights
  5. Incident Response and DevOps in the Age of Generative AI
  6. Threads of the next wave of DevOps
  7. Better DevOps with Generative AI (VMUG 2023 preso)
  8. Adam Jacob Discusses DevOps, Modelling Infrastructure, and Increasing Collaboration
  9. Software Delivery Enablement, Not Developer Productivity
  10. The API Gateway and the Future of Cloud Native Applications
Tuesday 2024-03-12 Assorted Links
Assorted Links links
Published: 2024-03-12
Tuesday 2024-03-12 Assorted Links

Assorted links for Tuesday, March 12:

  1. An intuitive documentation strategy
  2. The Architecture Of Serverless Data Systems
  3. A Practical Guide to Debugging Browser Performance with OpenTelemetry
  4. What Do Developers Need to Know About Kubernetes, Anyway?
  5. Your guide to better incident status pages
  6. Build reliable and secure C++ programs
  7. How GitHub uses GitHub Actions and Actions larger runners to build and test
  8. Releasing Bazel rulesets that publish tools
  9. Second Wave DevOps
  10. The New DevOps With Adam Jacob
Monday 2024-03-11 Assorted Links
Assorted Links links
Published: 2024-03-11
Monday 2024-03-11 Assorted Links

Assorted links for Monday, March 11:

  1. Why courtyard buildings aren’t allowed in Chicago anymore
  2. FUSE Passthrough Support May Land For Linux 6.9 To Help Boost I/O Performance
  3. Upgrading to MySQL 8.0
  4. .NET 8 Networking Improvements
  5. A deep dive into CPU requests and limits in Kubernetes
  6. Surveillance through Push Notifications
  7. Are Containers Only for Microservices? Myth Debunked
  8. How GitHub uses merge queue to ship hundreds of changes every day
  9. Sofia’s Observability Odyssey: The Do’s and Don’ts for Effective Observability
  10. Consistency Models