When you are processing an HTTP request in ASP.NET you can retrieve the user-provided query string parameters using the HttpRequest.QueryString property. This property is an instance of the NameValueCollection class.
If the user has provided multiple parameters with the same key in the query string, HttpRequest.QueryString[key] will return all the values concatenated together with commas. If you would rather process the values individually, use HttpRequest.QueryString.GetValues(key), which will return an array of all the provided values.
I’m not sure if this is the “canonical” way to do it but here’s a description of how to write an ASP.NET 1.1 ASPX page which returns a XML document (e.g. when writing a home-brewed web service).
First, create a new Web Form (I will call it WebService.aspx). As we will be progamatically generating the XML in the HTTP response rather than sending the (processed) content of the ASPX file, delete everything from the ASPX file but the @Page directive, so that it looks something like: