
Beware File Open/Save Dialogs: They May Change The Current Directory
Win32 c mfc win32
Published: 2005-09-08
Beware File Open/Save Dialogs: They May Change The Current Directory
On some Windows operating systems (primarily Windows 95, 98, and ME), GetOpenFileName() and GetSaveFileName() (and wrappers of these functions such as MFC’s CFileDialog) will permanently change the process’s current working directory unless the OFN_NOCHANGEDIR option is specified. As you can imagine, this can easily break your application if you ever rely on the current working directory being set to a particular value (such as if you open files using relative paths). Read more...
Using the Excel Object Model and Performance
Excel Interop c++ excel interop mfc
Published: 2004-07-20
Using the Excel Object Model and Performance
Recently I’ve had to write a bit of code which communicates with Microsoft Excel using its object model. Here are a few things I have learned from this experience. Interaction with the Excel object model seems to use some kind of inter-process communication with an Excel process that is started behind the scenes. If things are not shut down properly, this Excel process will continue to run indefinitely in the background. Read more...